Brazilian Style Female Half Body Mannequin Pants Form With Metal Base
This example of our Brazilian mannequins is a female form pants exhibitor with straight legs. It can also showcase any apparel for women from the waist down such as skirts, stockings, and lingerie.
Single Right Leg For Socks And Stockings
This Brazilian part mannequin is that of a single leg, perfect for showcasing socks or stockings. Its' curvy, full bodied look will make your apparel look sexy and amazing.
Mannequin Female Head Middle Chest And Neck
This example of our realistic mannequins is a part mannequin of a female form including the head, neck. and middle chest. Perfect for displaying necklaces, scarves and hats in a way that your customers can truly see how glamorous your merchandise will look on actual people.
Unbreakable Polyethylene Mannequin Left Hand On Hip Left Knee Bent
This example of our unbreakable mannequin series features its' left hand on its' hip with the left knee bent to create a walking pose. This mannequin is a cost efficient way to stylishly display your merchandise.
Unbreakable Polyethylene Mannequin Left Hand On Hip Left Leg Extended
This unbreakable mannequin features its' left hand on its' hip with the left leg extended. Fashionably posed to display your apparel and merchandise for a long, long, time.
Unbreakable Polyethylene Mannequin Arms Straight Down
This example of our unbreakable mannequin series features both its' arms straight down. With this mannequins classic pose and very durable construction, it will attract customers to your apparel for a long, long, time.
Unbreakable Polyethylene Mannequin Right Hand On Hip Left Leg Forward
This example of our unbreakable mannequin series features its' right arm bent with its' right hand on its' hip and its' left leg slightly forward in a walking pose. This mannequin's durable construction makes it a sound investment for any business or retail environment.
Unbreakable Polyethylene Mannequin Small Boy
This example of our unbreakable mannequins it that of a small boy. Kids grow out of clothing so fast and this mannequin's virtually unbreakable construction will allow you to showcase your children's apparel year after year with almost no signs of wear and tear.
Female full body glossy black abstract mannequin with shoulder width legs
This female abstract mannequin has it's legs in a slightly wider stance for a look straight out of your favorite fashion magazine. It's arms by it's side with glossy black exterior, this mannequin is sure to turn the heads of future customers. Mannequin Height : 5' 9 5/8"
Female full body glossy white abstract mannequin with shoulder width legs
This abstract female mannequin is unique in that its stance is wider giving your merchandise a high fashion appearance. With it's arms by it's side and glossy white exterior this female abstract mannequin is sure to bring attention to any apparel.