Double Necklace or Bracelet T-Bar Display, 16"h

Product ID 1329
Price: $34.62

This is a double necklace or braclet t bar. The two tied design makes organizing your products very easy. This design also makes it simpler for your customers to browse your selection of products. With a clear acrylic construction there is no issue with these displays fitting in with your pre-existing decor. In order to prevent any of your displayed products from falling this necklace/bracelet display features a circular lip on each arm. Flame polished edges are also a nice touch to give a clean and professional finish to your display area.


  • Clear acrylic plastic
  • Flame polished edges

Overall Dimensions Available:


  • 11-1/2"w x 16"h




  • Double tiered for easy organization
  • Alternating arm directions for access from all sides
  • Free standing allows placement in many locations