Retail Cash Wrap Counter - Exceptional Series - Choose Counter Size

Product ID CC100
Price: $1314.00
This is a retail cash wrap counter. This retail cash wrap come in multiple sizes to suit your specific retail area. There is one locking storage drawer and one locking (hinged or sliding) storage door for added security. A black toe kick keeps this product safe from accidental damage from foot traffic. Levelers are installed on this cash wrap counter to keep it stable. There is an open storage area with adjustable shelving. Adjustable shelving makes it easy to customize the area to accommodate your items.

Overall Dimensions Available



    Ships fully assembled

Standard Features

    Storage hinged door or sliding door
    One locking drawer (cam lock)
    Open storage with one shelf
    Check writing area
    Black toe-kick

Additional Information

Achieve Display will work with you to design a retail cash wrap counter specifically made to suit your configuration. Please specify width, height, type of shelving, number and size of drawers, locking sliding doors or not. Holes will be drilled through cabinetry to allow for wiring.

If the dimensions of this shadow box display case do not fit the needs of your space you can supply us with your own dimensions for a custom built shadow box. Please specify width, height, depth, number of shelves backing and finish and we will give you a price quote.

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