Gridwall Hangrail for round tubing - 25 per box - Select desired color and tubing diameter.

Product ID DWGB1
Price: $114.00

Gridwall hangrails for round tubing attach to gridwall panels and allow you create a display with hangers and apparel that runs parallel to the ground. The straight arm faceout with the round tubing attachment let you chookse round tubing anywhere from 1"-1-1/4" in diameter. They easily hook onto gridwall and come in chrome, black or white. Packaged 25 per box. Price is per box.


- 2 screws lock round tubing into place.

- Comes in three colors.

- Easily hooks to gridwall panels.


- These gridwall attachments help merchandise clothes in a stylish manner.  

- Can be used to merchandise a large amount of apparel at once.